"Carson 與我們分享,如何在今個星期日使用YouTube Premiere首播功能,參與網上崇拜,並但在崇拜前後加强溝通。 1. 網上崇拜將於星期日上午10時行首映。2. 我們鼓勵你在9:45AM之前,提早登入視頻,互相問安,準備崇拜。3. 你可以使用 Live...
在無休止的的煮飯洗衫當中,都可以經歴上帝?Pastor Sherrien 今天與你分享,如何在日常生活之中,學習與神親近。
你有壓力,我有壓力。當我們生活在壓力中時,我們可以怎麼辦呢?Pastor Joshua 與你分享,如何面對生活中的無形壓力。 This is a very stressful period of time for everyone. Pastor Joshua...
父母要透過在這場疫境中的生活,來成為小孩子日後面對逆境的榜樣。 Parents can be a life model of their children by showing them how to face the challenges from the...
回想2020年二月至三月間教會對疫情的預備,Pastor Wilbur 有以下一個反醒。 Pastor Wilbur has the following thoughts from remembering KEC’s preparations for...
當我們沒法實體在一起,我們可以如何與人 connect 呢? In the season of social distancing, how can we connect with others?
在疫情期間,我們可以作什麼呢?我如何能與教會齊上齊落呢? In the midst of an epidemic, what can we do? And how can I partner with the church?
We have upgraded our Enter Through the Veil to the digital version. Let's come and take a look at how you can benefit from it!...
當艱難不知何時會過去的時候,樂觀看好未必是最實際的態度。 When difficulties and trials linger, optimism may not prevail.
People all around the world are asking questions about faith, life, and the world. What should we do?...
Many wonder why their kids become difficult during this difficult time. Maybe they are just being human....
疫境雖然未過,但這卻是我們向前望的時候了!Linger no more, it is time to look forward now!